8:57 p.m.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Well hello diary. Musta say today i am in a better mood and i am trying to be nice, erm (ego)it's not that i am not nice usually, but sometimes i just get a moodeyy. yeshh..Which is irritating at times, and i don't want to make myself like i was back in lower sec, all lonely and wallflowerish and angry with everyone of my classmates. Actually it was not entirely their fault, but also mine to some extent. Blehh. Wadda bummer. Now we don't want that to repeat here do we? No definitely noott. I am talking to myself here, but it really lies on my heart that i don't move backwards but forward instead. I have been weird for the past few days and it is weird. Err. Haha. I am getting annoyed by some people for apparently no reason and that is weird again. Weird.. Oh not agaainnn..XD Weird is the name of the game baby.
I love reading my new Purpose Driven Life, was reading the chapter on worship today, and how we should not worship God only for the feeling of it, but really deep from our hearts. That touched me then.. It's good that i know my mistake. So can try and improve one:) Yupps.
I am lookin forward to tmr cg! Can't wait to hear Leonard preach and fellowship together, it's gonna be awesome! I hope we sing a song i know so that i can improve my singing too.. and worship God! Not only with the singing, but with everything i do. Psst, Tereza is coming too!XD Gonna feel impacted man! heehee.
And i am going for Bintan!! Hahahaha. Fe says it's gonna be fun so i can't wait. Gonna sacrifice my guitar moneyyeh, but i got a feeling it's totally gonna be worth it ahhhh!XDD My first time in Indonesia.. Funn. Lovey it. It's gonna be as great or greater than Youth camp one!! ^^ And i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY loved youth camp one-BIG! haha. Make no mistake.
"My determined purpose is that i may know Him-that i may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognising and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly."
-philippians 3:10 (amp)
9:51 a.m.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Loneliness..Now i am just feeling a little lonely.. don't really have anyone to talk to. Mrs Lam commented today how sleepy i looked, that i always close my eyes. I am sleepy alright.. But the real reason bcuz i am sleepy is because i am lazy and do my homework at the last minute every night.
Yeah. Dunno la. There seems to be so many activities in school now, with the leader's investiture and the oac coming up. I feel like i am neglecting my class and schoolwork. Sad mood..well.
11:18 p.m.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
~Haha here are some photos i took not so recently.. Will post more as the time goes by!XD!~Heart Awards!
Looking weird and retarded..XD
Our particularly disgusting homemade drink..
10:26 p.m.
Monday, February 20, 2006
I am brokeYes i am broke, and it is because of my handphone bill which is $140 this month. My parents are alright with it as long as i pay it all.. but i am i a deficit now some more.. sighs. At least i know how someone who is very poor feels like, so it also has a positive side. I must not spend so much money..! Gotta save! Think it is because of all those long conversations with my friends, which are very helpful, and i forget about the time in the process. Hahas. ^^ Gotta find some other means of communicating with them then. Ahhh..:"( The interesting thing is that i am not excessively depressed, but it seems like the normal things that happen. Thats good..
I finally thought of another idea for my art olevel coursework.. since my previous idea was kinda bland and i didnt know what to do, i think this idea is better! I am thinking of a chessboard with rival chess pieces, which are battling one another. Since the whole world knows that i like horses, i shall paint a horse there too! XDD I should be researching on chessboards now, oops. haha. But now it seems easier, since i have a more solid idea. (:
2:16 p.m.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Today everyone seems to be in a weird mood. And it is just too weird to see everyone like this. Problems seem to sprout out of nowhere.. aihhaaaa. I just feel a burden for these people. They need God's love.. Yes. i need God's love too. Cause God can see everything that is going on and happening to us. He can see everything. All that is going on in our hearts and on the outside.
GOD!! WE NEED YOU! Amenn. I just feel a love towards everyone and want the best for everyone.. but how do i do it? Ppl have different ideas of how love should be shown to them, others dont respond, still others get angry, and everything may seem hopeless. I just pray for all those who need God and do not know how to get close to Him, or are backsliding.
I LOVE TO HELP! I just want to give them the love that God is giving me, lead them to God.
Dear beautiful God, please give me a revelation of how to help. Where there is hatred, let me sow love;where is doubt, FAITH! . Where there is insecurity, LOVE FOR GOD. Amen.
10:29 a.m.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Valentine's Day!L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one i see.. etc etc haha. Me and Becky sang it during 2 period pe lesson in front of mr jimmy neutron chan who happened to teach my sister's class pe at the moment. ^^ Everyone just loves to make fun of him. Too easy, lol! My class is so nicee, they gave me presents and i got lots of sweets and chocolates, and tmr the secret mission in 4A of eating the chocs starts, in a little candlelit romantic room,sheltered from the outside by rubbish bags. Oh i just cant wait!! Mrs Loy is so nice to allow! XDD Love u mrs Loy! I gave u a choc too remember?? haha.
To whoever comes to this blog, i just want to wish you a very loving and joyful Valentine's! Love you all lots. XD Hugg.
10:57 a.m.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Wow i am speechless!!Oh yes, totally!! Yesterday's sermon was awesome awesome and more awesome! What a great way to come back to church after such a long cny break.. and i was almost dying at that time since i was really starving-for pastor's sermons and the church people and all of us praising God. Haha praising God at home is great but it cant compare to the atmosphere in church! XD Anyway did i mention that i was very happy and high yesterday?? Yes i was haha!! I brought my sister and Kenny, and Kenny totally enjoyed it.. ahh ahh so awesomeee. Told me that HoGC rocks and that he really enjoyed himself and that the message on pride was really good too.
woowww. And the cedarian feature was cool and great and fun and .. haha, i am sure u ger my point. I was the one clicking! XDDD And there was no glitches, and i was on time too. Have to admit that my hands were shaking especially for the first service. Pamela told me not to touch the mouse and i was scared that my hands would just fly there and touch it.. So i had a hard time suppresing the shaking.. :) But was great. Fedora's testimony was also impactful, and overally was XDDDD.
Yeah stayed with Fedora for the second service too, and i felt really honoured to be sitting in the first row!! Never sat there before. The atmosphere in the 2nd service was much more open and energetic and woww. Somehow i just felt very relieved that i did not have to take care of any new friends and just enjoy myself with Fedora, yeah. And i was super hyper and jumped and jumped like siao.. and almost shouted myself hoarse, loving every second of it, esp the song everything's alright. That is fast becoming one of my fav songs! Lurvveeee church!!XDD And i just cant wait for vision sundayy!! XDD yayy. Thank u God for this awesome service!
8:11 p.m.
Friday, February 03, 2006
A little later..Well okay. Just had another illuminating conversation with Fidorka XD
Povidali jsme si o tom jaky to bylo kdyz jsem byla v Cechach a co jsem tam vsechno delala za nesmysly. A ona mi taky rekla neco o sobe, ze mela stejny problemy jako ja! Porad mi to nak nejde do hlavy.. Just felt very kinda sad this afternoon for no reason or maybe the reason was very well hidden, so that even i did not manage to discover it? So then i was just sitting in the bus and thinking about nothing in particular. This was not that overly depressed mood, no, this was more subtle. and melancholic. Basically i think was that i was just feeling weird about my life and all. Think i understand now, and i am feeling better. Yeahs. Gotta really really trust God and just conquer my fears whatever they may be. Talking to Fe really helps:)
If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all -isaiah 7:9b
2:42 p.m.
Does it appear so?I am living normally. Can't really recall what to write now.. just blogging for fun!! Maybe i will recall as time goes on.. Yesterday at french i was in my stupid mood, and really felt stupidXDD in the fun way of course. Lame la, but i could not even remember how to say 'went' in the past tense and only remembered after a long few seconds. Fun. My french classmates totally rock! Madame is nice too, she let's us eat in class XD and i am taking the most possible advantage of it! Oh those choc pillows are just so delicieux.. *drools* hahas.
Finished da powerpoint proper. ^^ And now i am counting down the hours until sunday:) Kinda yeah. It's difficult to get people come and watch though.. how can they be so busy on SUNDAYS?! And that does not involve church! Hmmm.. how interesting..loves sarcasm. *_*
Another thing which is bugging me rather is that i can't get the 'comments' up and runnning for this blog! When i tried at first, it was okae but then it decided to go on a strike and promptly abandoned ranks. Hope that well i can get it up somehows.
I like my new blog and i like the tagboard and i like the links. Since livejournal did not have. So it's very new and exciting to me! ^^ Yay. Loves exciting stuff. hehe.
Reading that Creative Mind book Fe lent me.. it's rather good.. Wow would be great if it really helped me to overcome my strongholds!! No i am not going to live in dreams.. correction- it is helping me to overcome! XD haha. Go Lucie!! You are a very nice girl, u can do anything! Yeah. That's rite. I can do anything with God. Yes amenn! And don't feel sad about whatever is troubling uu.... thanggg. What am i doing talking to myself?! Hmmm. Dunno la. Really.. I need to reflect, reflect on something important or dunno whether it is important, i dont even know what it is! Ermm. Weird. Well.
I need church. And i just need to rise up. Even trifling matters can turn into mountains if they are not stopped in time. That's ritey.
Potrebuju vic lasky, a samozrejme vic sebevedomi. God is all.