11:12 a.m.
Monday, July 31, 2006
violynnne in luce's blog now! =)
we are in the skools com lab!
on a random note: i want to eat
barbequed octopus sushi =)
and luces says i like fire =)
9:58 p.m.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
A luminous flame is faintly flickering, as it struggles to maintain its brightness. It does not want to die out. But it seems that the brighter it is, the more shadows it casts.
Nevim co se to deje, jestli jsem to ja nebo nekdo jinej. Citim, ze je vsechno nak postaveny na hlavu. Proc se tak citim vuci nekterym kamoskam.. Ci je to vina? Chci aby bylo vsechno dobre, aby to klapalo, aby to bylo jak driv. Vic lasky, min zavisti. Kazdy ma prece naky plusy a minusy. Ja taky. Driv kdyz jsem poprve prisla, bylo tu vic nevinnosti a kamaradstvi, ted mi to prijde, ze je to jenom tak jako. Mozna je to ten muj vnitrni 'Hlas' co mi napovida spatny veci, ktery ani nemusi byt pravda. At jde do haje ten hlas !! Kamaradka 'Tulen' - jak se asi citi? Zapsala si neco to blogu? Ze ji pry dost dobre neznam.. whatever.. no dobre. Ale jak mi 'Lev' rekl, budu se chovat krestansky.
Now i am hoping to finish the book i am reading, and hopefully learn lots of stuff from it. Lots of GOOD stuff. Stuff i can apply. Yesh. haha.
I still have God. And pastor said it's all about good timing. I found that really impactful. So sometimes even a good thing at a bad time can be a bad thing, I hope to learn from that. And someone once told me that i could practice christian behaviour, and answer to ( the people that irritate me) by doing good. That's what Jesus would have done.
Maybe i think too much, but right now i am wondering what are some people thinking and doing, and what they have thought and done today. And how do i fit into it, if at all. Oh well. God knows, and maybe it's none of my business. I shall go and read Psalms. :)
3:42 p.m.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Today was a slack day! I managed to get by without falling asleep in bio class.. cos ms tan was back. And also cos i slept an extra hour and woke up only at five thirty! whee..
The new flat is gorgeous! tho the furniture has not moved in yet, i like the look of it. The floor is of polished wood, and there is a really nice ceiling fan too.. hehe. And
MY OWN ROOM!! ^^ i am gg to make it a realy nice room, it's a totally
different feeling to have an own room. Went yesterday evening to look at it. :) Then forced my mum to go
mc's at j8 for dinner, which is a miracle as she hates fast food and anything fatty. At least she finished the chicken foldover. haha.
It makes me wonder. I have been in Singapore for over 8 years now, and the feeling is so totally
different than from the first time i came. Everything felt, looked and even smelled different. I know that's crazy, but it's true. I used to have a fear of Asians, and was super super happy when i walked along Orchard and was among
ang mohs.lol. And i was really scared of secondary school boys. So i would even cross the road when they walked in the opposite direction. Now i am like, they are not even worth to glance at! haha. Now it appears the other way round; i am at home with Singaporeans and i feel
weird when i am with europeans. I am not referring to the small Czech community, i know most of them. But to the tourists and caucasian youths. Talk about culture shock. ..
Me and my mum realized that now there is not much holding us to the CR anymore, only our relatives. There's better education, jobs, political situation, fairness.. etc. I cant stand the cz politicians. Even after right wing
ODS won the election by a margin of 5%, CSSD the idiot socialists, will not give in and are holding on to power. Like what the crap. I wanna
bash Paroubek and the socialists and communists!!!
CR SHALL NOT BE COMMUNIST!! grrrrrrrrrrr. It needs a lot of ordering to be done over there, not least the corruption. bwah.
COMMUNISTS AND SOCIALISTS LEFT WING PIGS OUT OUT OUT!!!- A better health system, not 100% funded by the govt
-cut the corruption
-put a smile on the service sector, and cut the dour grimace left over by the communists
-and competent prime minister who knows what he wants!
NO Spidla,
NO Gross,
NO Paroubek. aiyoooooo...
I love CR. I dont want her to go down the drain with lousy leadership!!! ODS WAKE UP AND KICK THEM OUT LAA!!
Obcanska Demokraticka Strano, vyhod komunisty a socialisty z vlady!!Kde domov muj, kde domov muj.Voda huci po lucinach, bory sumi po skalinach.V sade skvi se jara kvet, zemsky raj to na pohled.A to je ta krasna zeme,zeme ceska, domov muj,zeme ceska, domov muj.My darling CR national anthem. :)
Haha enough of politics! lol. Weekend is coming! Church is waiting! Service will be amazing! Cant wait to fellowship and encounter God thru praise and worship and the sermon! :))
God rocks.Lord, i pray that a sense of fairness is established and that CR will successfuly grow and prosper! :)
Not backward, but forward!
8:06 p.m.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Ah my sweet darling Sparklezz is getting a bit of publicity here. He wants to say that he loves you all,but me the most.. hohoho. He's so huggable!~ And a constant companion on my pillow :)
Last time it was Bean who travelled the world with me, now it's gonna be Sparklezz..
Tomorrow is Racial Harmony Day! Whee! I can't wait to see all the beautiful and colourful and splendid and amazing costumes!! I am wearing my mother's punjabi suit, with white slippers and really big hoops. haha. Now who's theh pretty polly? XD
Thankyouthankyou.. i shall be humble.. haha. Gonna capture lots and lots of shots on my cammy-provided people are nice and cooperate.
Me feels like wearing make-up for racial harmony. But the school has other ideas.. maybe if i disguise it they wont see. Oh my, what a badd prefect i am! XD And i like saris!
Btw, i read this interesting book about a personality test, and turns out that i am the 'orange' personality.
Here is what it says:
"Orange personality types are sensing, feeling in their functioning. Their orientation to the world is through people; thus, they thrive on being able to fulfill the emotional needs of others. Their core mental functioning is left-right brain, so they make decisions based on how they feel about things. Orange energy seeks harmony and coopeeration between people, and focused on family and on the builing of relationships that are mutually beneficial. They are emotional people and will use these feeelings as a means of getting others to do what they want. They live more in the present than the past. Oranges become threatened when their security is jeopardized-they are jealous and protective of their things and the people they care about. They are worriers and have a fear of not having enough. They seek social acceptance. Orange energy is friendly , welcoming, and approachable. It is a social, warm colour. The colour orange relates to desire and ambition."Haha. Quite matching actually..
Heart to Heart with Pastors will be awesommee, the whole saturday and sunday of it! What better way to spend a weekend than in my beloved Heart of God church. :)
8:14 p.m.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
It has been a long time since i blogged, a really long time! so many many things have happened since then which have been really awesome. rite now i am sad to say that i cannot recall all.. yeah i will try tho. lol.
on thursday we had a
prayer meeting in church, me , sylvia, fedora and darren. WOW. It was totally
amazing laa. i conveniently skipped my french cos of it. seal had to leave early, cos she had cafe training.. the rest of us stayed on. It was one of those pms which are realy
unforgettable. The anointing was so strong! It was like
all around..Me and fedora were singing random songs according to how the Spirit guided us, in perfect
harmony. This is how it feels to be moving in the Spirit? the songs jus seemed to come. We prayed for a lot of things.. mostly faith and
rising up and such. And this was the third time i
fell under the glory of God without ppl praying for me. First time was in Youth camp that nite with Fe, second time was in cg and now the third time! But not fall down hard, it was very slow and soft like a cushion from God. like wow! Then fe prayed.. all was very unplanned but the Holy Spirit always knows the right things to say! I just cant describe the feeling of the holy spirit! it felt like i was not giving Him enough worship tho i waas doing the best i could.. next time i shall do some crazy thing like run around the room! lol.
awesomeness. think all of us were impacted.
last friday was a super busy day, but at least was half day. went church for tuition, and then later went with Seal, fe, darren and kenneth to
play basketball. haha was fun! i was really surprised my parents let me..
SET FORTH!! haha.
what happened on sat? oh no i forgot.. i shall blog some other time when i rmb, now i am on a tight schedule. ohya. went for gym attendant orientation. not bad, should start working soon. :)
met Leonard and sam at one at pepper lunch.wow. i have one thing to say, Leonard is
amazing and more amazing! he knows just exactly what to say to me, i was nearly crying at one point.. anyway all that he told me is really relevant, and i feel
different after he talked. i shall keep tat to myself tho lol. i watched sleepy hollow in the evening. johnny depp rocks!
Jersey Sunday!!Today i went for adult service! wow. sat in the
front row somemore. love th front row man. feels more easy to jump and praise God. ha. Sat beside sis evelyn and Gina. Pastor's sermon was simple and powerful abt Real fans!
It was awesome to see every one wear their jerseys, obviously i was wearing
Milan Baros! :) whee. Had
face paint too.. painting so many people's faces with france and italy flags was fun! to the likes of Leonard, Ivan, ah cai, the two guy Sams etc. Great!!
Pastor How was really nice.. was sitting realy close to him during adult service. lol. told me some
encouraging stuff, and to study more. yeshhh! okie studies here i come! gonna glorify God to the fullest and dont let God and pastor how be disappointed! :)
I love Jesus! i am going to grow and rise up to be a great leader! :)