10:23 p.m.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Today was english prelims. Wrote some utter rubbish and propagandist blah for the compo, hope Mrs Foo buys it.. yeahh. The rest was okay, but summary, ah the summary- hehee. If i am honest, i only saw one or two points! lol. The paraphernalia was heavy and the waves were transformed into a monstrous yo-yo. I had the urge to laugh during the exam, but that is not advisable, so i giggled under my breath, like this, hehe! :)
Studied in the afternoon with Seal, Tingle and Liying at TP macs. And i am proud to say that i learned a lot, with Liying's help.. thanks Liying! :) Three solid hours of chemistry. I am worn out. I will wake up just in time for chem prac prelim tmr, then two french compos prelim and then being at YCK till ten. Oh joy. I pray that i will not fall asleep at YCK and someone will accidentally drop a dumbell on himself. Bwah. Haha.
Whee and i also bought a new book (finally!) with my $10 Popular voucher from the beginning of the year. A book called Imitation is Limitation by some christian author. haha. Will read! And Harvest Times rockses!
Yesterday was a really powerful QT! wow. Worshipped with the song I could sing of Your love forever, cos i happen to have it on CD! whee. God's presence is so so amazing.
Like a cloud enveloping me.Loving arms holding me close.Perfumed air of utter joy.Thank you God.It is these moments I live for.I realised that being filled with the Holy Spirit is the key. Then anything is possible.
Come Holy Spirit.. I long to know You more! Love yaa lotsss! XDD
10:52 p.m.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
1. Humility2. Persevering spirit3. Unshakable faith4. Love for others5. Holy SpiritThese are the things that i felt God speaking to me, which i will need to rise up. God never fails to surprise and help me! Cos He is just so amazing. :)
A dark overcast sky with a large swarm of black bees buzzing menacingly. Then the clouds are parted, and a single beam of sparkling light shines through. More and more light shines forth and the bees disintegrate upon contact with it. Gradually they start moving away, and some of them fall dead on the groud. The sun floods the landscape and shines on the dead bees. It takes a long time to clear them up, but it is done in due time. Now all there is , it is the beautiful landscape, pink and healthy on a 'Perfect Day'.
9:59 a.m.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
I will run to the altar
and catch the fire,
to stand in the gap
between the living and the dead.
Give us a heart of compassion
for a world without vision,
we will make a difference,
bringing hope to our land.
10:58 a.m.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Another amazing day! XD
I have just realised how Pastors love us so much, and make time for us in spite of their schedules. And what was before is all the more now.
Pastor Lia has a vision of
fighter planes launched forth from a hangar, planes which will
impact everyone they encounter and
change lives, schools, nations and generations!
a decade of dreams. How far have we come! From the humble beginnings of nine to over 400 today.
I am so thankful to God for all that He has done in this House. All the loving and caring people that i know. I will
rise up and grow in love for them XD. Cos i have not been loving people enough and can get super tiny ie small at times! haha.
1 corinthians 12:24-25 - But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be not division in the body, but that its parts shoud have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.This verse really jumped up at me as i was reading it. Must have been God, cos i just flipped to a random page. (:
" And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 cor 13:13
I love God, church and my friends! :)
3:51 p.m.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
FOP 2005! Wow i am looking at some people's old blogs, and am feeling
reminiscent about the 'ole' times last year.
Hey exactly a year ago at this time, i was queueing up at the
Indoor Stadium with
Fe, Rani,Joanne, TW, Francis and Chek Yeow. I was playing 'guess the capital city' with Fe which is my favourite game.. Does Oslo sound familiar? haha. That's the capital of Norway by the way. Was taking lots of pics too. Francis was telling us all the things he did when he was in secondary school! oh my my! Whatta joker. lol. :) Yeah i still rmb Francis.. And
FOP was was wayy cool, esp Delirious? ! Martin Smith is so anointed! :) I rmb i liked FOP so much that i wanted to persuade Tereza to go the next day too.. well she did not but that was expected. So i went by myself and got completely cut off from my fren, so i sat in an aisle seat with a nice auntie. Wasn't as good as
Friday 5/8/05 but was still great! hehe.
It's my birthday today! I am officially a year old Christian. XDD And what a wonderful and eventful year it was. WOW.Though i have to say i miss the old times somewhat. Fe, Rani, TW and me were really
united. Even had Nehemiah
bible studies after school at that tree place where all sorts of things were falling down on us! haha.
Now that i look back, i was so innocent, so on-fire, so passionate, so disciplined. I can't describe it, it just felt
different. REALLY different. Sighs.. lol.
I felt freer then in my relationships. Oh well.
I shall pray that the freedom and love i experienced will come back. That very
powerful and unconditional love i used to have. But i have also learnt many things about myself, both good and bad and i have to be thankful for that. There are many exciting things still in store for me and for those whom i know.
I am trusting that the future will be
8:31 p.m.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I have finished reading the book i borrowed from the school library! What a great book.. talking about self-esteem and all. It has the things i already know, but repackaged in a new and exciting way. Loves books. Loves books a lot! Cos books are so so amazing, one can learn so many things, have such a great time reading, and also a sense of comfort and familiarity! woohoo.
I am not about to let anyone or anything that they say let me down, cos i refuse to be directed by other people's feelings anymore. So i am trying to find my own feelings now.. :) Gotta search very deeply, yeah, cos if u pretend to be always happy for a long time and ignore your true emotions inside (for the fear that others will not accept you), it will cause one to lose touch with the true feelings. That's what the book said anyway. Me finds it quite true la.. haha. I feel sad for those people who need a boost in the self-esteem, a few people i know of, cos i know what they are going through. And it's not always a happy sight to see them. hurhur.. pray for them i will.
Maths and chem test was a flunkk. Btw. Solomon is a great guy. A really great guy.. how many people would ask for wisdom if u threw riches into the package? And he is so humble before God, like Chew Theng said. Pride will not rise up, i will remain humble always and serve my Lord! Even in the case that i become a leader in the future. Yeshh.
Got to know some people in church that i have never met before. Let me see.. Wei Xin and Kesia and Kai Yuan. She's really nice ! Praise the Lord people got saved during Red Rain! *whee*
And i have a deep dark secret to keep!!XDD Nobody shall find out until the time comes! lol.
8:31 p.m.
I have finished reading the book i borrowed from the school library! What a great book.. talking about self-esteem and all. It has the things i already know, but repackaged in a new and exciting way. Loves books. Loves books a lot! Cos books are so so amazing, one can learn so many things, have such a great time reading, and also a sense of comfort and familiarity! woohoo.
I am not about to let anyone or anything that they say let me down, cos i refuse to be directed by other people's feelings anymore. So i am trying to find my own feelings now.. :) Gotta search very deeply, yeah, cos if u pretend to be always happy for a long time and ignore your true emotions inside (for the fear that others will not accept you), it will cause one to lose touch with the true feelings. That's what the book said anyway. Me finds it quite true la.. haha. I feel sad for those people who need a boost in the self-esteem, a few people i know of, cos i know what they are going through. And it's not always a happy sight to see them. hurhur.. pray for them i will.
Maths and chem test was a flunkk. Btw. Solomon is a great guy. A really great guy.. how many people would ask for wisdom if u threw riches into the package? And he is so humble before God, like Chew Theng said. Pride will not rise up, i will remain humble always and serve my Lord! Even in the case that i become a leader in the future. Yeshh.
Got to know some people in church that i have never met before. Let me see.. Wei Xin and Kesia and Kai Yuan. She's really nice ! Praise the Lord people got saved during Red Rain! *whee*
And i have a deep dark secret to keep!!XDD Nobody shall find out until the time comes! lol.